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2 discussion posts
I was thrilled to stumble across Tray Status 3.1 .. exactly what I have been looking for.
My primary browser is Internet Explorer 11 .. I sometimes use Google Chrome.
I use Confluence by Atlassian. We use @ with the first few letters of a person's name to get to a the list of users to include in the thread. It seems that TrayStatus 3.1 is interfering with the ability to use @ .. it gives me @@ and won't allow me access the user list. I tried adding atlassian to the compatability list in IE, but that didn't solve the problem. Clearing the cache didn't solve the problem either.

Confluence works fine in Google Chrome.

Has this problem been reported before? I would be happy to pay for this IF it would solve the problem.
Mar 21, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for trying out TrayStatus, glad you like it! It doesn't do any sort of keyboard hooking though, so it shouldn't be able to cause an issue like that. If you exit TrayStatus, does that make any difference?
Mar 22, 2017  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Exiting the program does not fix the issue in IE11 .. even when I close out of IE and then relaunch it. ODD ..
Mar 22, 2017 (modified Mar 22, 2017)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for trying that! As I mentioned, there isn't anything in TrayStatus that should be able to affect that sort of thing, so my guess would be that Confluence recently updated and broke some IE support.
Mar 23, 2017  • #4
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