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Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hi all! As you may know, you can create your own custom icon themes for TrayStatus and put them in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TrayStatus\Icons

If anyone has any custom sets they've created and would like to share them, please feel free to post them here.

Oct 23, 2019  • #1
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9 discussion posts
Since I can't seem to add anything to the pinned Custom Icons thread I thought I would start a new one for this. I wanted to share a custom icon pack I made recently. It is an alternate version of the provided "Light Icons with Green" icon pack. The only icons I changed from that were the CPU, Ram, and Custom performance meters. They are now all distinctly different colors and the meter has a colored gradient going from green to red on each of them. The image attached to this shows all the changed icons and the colored meter.

This post was merged on Dec 7, 2020.
• Attachment: 2020-11-29 13_33_49-.png [3,187 bytes]
2020-11-29 13_33_49-.png
2020-11-29 13_33_49-.png
• Attachment: Colored Meters and [177,103 bytes]
Nov 29, 2020 (modified Nov 29, 2020)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
These look great, thanks for sharing them!

This post was merged on Dec 7, 2020.
Dec 4, 2020  • #3
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9 discussion posts
You're welcome :)

Hopefully these will help other users out as well who have need for multiple custom meters. I find the different colors to be helpful for telling them apart at a glance. Since I had already made these for myself I thought I should share them and save everyone else some time if they were wanting something similar.

Feel free to move these to the sticky thread or a more appropriate place if you feel inclined to. Also, I have no issue with these being included in some future version if you wanted to. I just recolored these so I take no credit for them and you can do what you would like to with them.

This post was merged on Dec 7, 2020.
Dec 5, 2020  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent! I'll move this to the pinned thread :)


This post was merged on Dec 7, 2020.
Dec 7, 2020  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've deployed an update to our discussions that allows for unlocked pinned threads now too. For anyone that wants to share icon sets in the future, you can now reply here directly :)
Dec 10, 2020  • #6
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1 discussion post
I love the posted Colored Meters and Counters icons. Thank you very much!
Only to recognize the numbers and letters was difficult for me on the blue background of the task bar. So I tinted them white. The outcome is far less perfect than the original and I did not tint the performance counter icons because there are so many and I don't use them.
I post my custom icon set just in case someone thinks this is an improvement and it saves the work to do it oneself.
• Attachment: [150,417 bytes]
Jul 8, 2021  • #7
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