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TrayStatus 3.2 is now available for download! This version adds some new languages and fixes a few minor issues. Here are some of the changes in this new version:

  • More languages included
  • Separate hard drive activity indicators are now independent, and include a drive letter overlay
  • There's now a "TrayStatus Settings" entry in the Start menu

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the Change Log. We would also like to send out a big thanks to all of people who helped with the TrayStatus translations. If you would like to see TrayStatus in your language, please contact us, we would love to hear from you! Thanks everyone!

TrayStatus Screenshots

TrayStatus Icons in the System Tray
Jul 30, 2018 (modified Jul 30, 2018)  • #1
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12 discussion posts
In 2016 I emailed a bug report to Binary Fortress about a small bug in TrayStatus whereby the tooltip for 'Hard Drive (_Total)' is incorrectly sized, resulting in its text getting clipped. It's the kind of bug that can be fixed in 2 seconds because it simply needs the text box to be dragged a couple of pixels bigger in the GUI designer. Now, 2 years later, a new version of TrayStatus is finally released. And guess what, in the intervening 2 years none of the developers could take the time to address my bug report.

It's quite disheartening trying to report bugs to this company sometimes. The time it took me to take a screenshot and write my email is longer than it would have taken them to fix it. And yet in the 2 years since they didn't bother. When it came time to finally release a new version, and they went down their list of bugs, at no point did any of them think "Ah, that's one I can fix in 2 seconds! And it's been on the list for 2 years!".

Sometimes it's hard to understand why others care so little.
Jul 30, 2018  • #2
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1 discussion post
It works fine for me, which may mean that the box actually needs to be sized according to display characteristics.
Aug 4, 2018  • #3
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12 discussion posts

The reason yours appears to show correctly is because you are not using the Pro version. There is enough space in the tooltip for 'TrayStatus 3.2', but there is not enough space in the tooltip for 'TrayStatus Pro 3.2'. Hope this clarifies.
Aug 4, 2018 (modified Aug 4, 2018)  • #4
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