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2 discussion posts
Because I just wanted to test TrayStatus I downloaded the 'Download without Installer' version and ran it, which seemed to work fine. However, it has left me with 4 TrayStatus entries in:

PC Settings > Personalisation > Taskbar > Select which icons appear on the taskbar

All of which say:

TrayStatus Pro Trial 4.4

The first of these entries seems to switch itself back on even after I switch it off. The entries remain even after rebooting the PC.

How do I remove these entries please?

I've tried running the Installer and then immediately uninstalling, but that failed to do the trick.

Many thanks
Dec 12, 2020  • #1
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2 discussion posts
Nevermind, problem solved. It appears that this is normal Windows behaviour (though that seems very odd to me!), and not the fault of TrayStatus.
Dec 12, 2020  • #2
Ahmed Altaai's profile on
How did you solve the problem? I encountered the same issue but not sure this is supposed to be normal Windows behavior.:)
• Attachment: TrayStatus Bug.png [64,900 bytes]
TrayStatus Bug.png
TrayStatus Bug.png
May 4, 2021  • #3
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1 discussion post
I noticed the same behaviour and it seems it's quite common for Windows to not remove unused icons from the notification area. I tried various suggested fixes and none worked except Solution #6 on the following website which provides a batch script to remove the old Registry entries. I opened the bat file in a text editor to confirm there was nothing nasty in there. I'm just posting this here as it worked for me. What you do with it is your responsibility:

6 Ways To Remove Unused Icons from the Notification Area
Feb 27, 2022  • #4
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