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Thank you for your amazing software.
Is it possible to change the tray status tray icons??
Oct 18, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you like TrayStatus! It's not currently possible, but I've added it to our feature request list for future consideration.

Oct 19, 2012 (modified Oct 19, 2012)  • #2
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1 discussion post
Good software, especially on a laptop. But I would also like to change the icons on the monochrome, but I can not find them in the exe file...
Apr 19, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Apex: Glad to hear you like TrayStatus! The icons aren't customizable at the moment, but I'll add your vote to the feature request as well.

Apr 19, 2013  • #4
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Great utility! Would like to change the color, the font and the resolution of the icons. On a high resolution screen (1920X1080) the icons (see attached) don't look as sharp. Any idea whether this will be possible?
Mar 12, 2016  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It should be possible, but at the moment I can't offer an ETA on when we might be able to implement the ability to use custom icons :)
Mar 15, 2016  • #6
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That's fine for custom icons, thanks for the prompt reply!

I'm wondering, with HD screens and Windows 10 becoming more common place, wouldn't it be cool if the current icons are of higher-resolution / sharper/cleaner metro-like look? 8)
Mar 15, 2016  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's a good idea as well!
Mar 16, 2016  • #8
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Many of us (MOST of us ?? ) can't type properly and we often hit the wrong key
Also we look at the keyboard when typing, not at the screen

It would be really good if you could add a config option to MAKE A SOUND (as in Control Panel / Sounds) on Change of State

The ideal config would have a checkbox to enable/disable a dropdown of the Control Panel sounds

Then I would know when my blundering fingers had once again hit Caps Lock instead of Shift

I'd pay money for that enhancement.

Mar 23, 2016 (modified Mar 23, 2016)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm a bit confused as to how this would differ from the Toggle Keys option that's already built-in to Windows? Could you provide some clarification?

Mar 23, 2016  • #10
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1) Wonderful to get such a prompt response from you! Thank you.
2) TrayStatus meets a real usability need and is v good as it stands now. Thank you again.
3) IF I understand and am using your software correctly, the various keys toggle just as they should, but VISUALLY ONLY.
I've just deleted a long response, because I realise you said "Toggle keys as BUILT INTO WINDOWS"
and I hadn't thought of using that option - not thinking of myself as needing such accessibility features
I will check up and post again later

Mar 24, 2016 (modified Mar 24, 2016)  • #11
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You're quite right. Windows Toggle Keys feature fills the bill for me.
I'd just never looked there.

TrayStatus provides the visual element missing from most laptop & tablet keyboards
Toggle Keys provides the audible element.

Thanks again

Mar 24, 2016  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad I could help!
Mar 24, 2016  • #13
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I just upgraded to v2.2 and since I'm running Windows 7, the Windows 10 themed icons don't look very nice. Would BFS consider an option to toggle between the "old style" icons that were in v2.0.1 and the new ones? I don't want custom icons just an option to use the previous icon set.

I attached a small image of how both the old and new icons look on my machine.

• Attachment: TrayStatus-Icons.jpg [24,516 bytes]
Aug 18, 2016  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We are planning to add the ability to choose different icon sets, so we'll definitely let you know when we've implemented that!

Aug 19, 2016  • #15
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1 discussion post

I just upgraded to v2.2 and since I'm running Windows 7, the Windows 10 themed icons don't look very nice. Would BFS consider an option to toggle between the "old style" icons that were in v2.0.1 and the new ones? I don't want custom icons just an option to use the previous icon set.

I attached a small image of how both the old and new icons look on my machine.


Same here... I am holding off on upgrading from 2.0.1 because the Win 10 icons don't contrast with the background enough to know when Caps Lock, etc is on or off... I'm sticking with the green background until there is a better choice.
Aug 25, 2016  • #16
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The new icons look great on a hi-res screen! Thanks!
Aug 29, 2016  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've released TrayStatus 3.0 Beta 1, and you can now choose from Dark or Light Icons, the Old Icons, or even create your own icon sets :)

You can grab the beta here if you'd like to try it out:

Sep 12, 2016  • #18
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2 discussion posts
The icon choices are an awesome and perfect adjustment to Tray Status. Thank you so much for listening and making this change so quickly. This seems so rare these days. I own the "Pro" versions of DisplayFusion, LogFusion, and now TrayStatus. :)

Thanks again!
Sep 13, 2016  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad to hear it!
Sep 14, 2016  • #20
RParker611230's profile on
We need custom icons. Right now I have 3 hard drives, and the icons look the same. We need a way to distinguish.

Also maybe a dock bar, separate from the built in notifications, because it gets confusing all jumbled together. If I had a dock bar (or tray status bar, whatever) I can put that bar where ever I want and know what is going on with ALT, NUM, CPU, MEM, Disk, Network.. etc.. Just a suggestion to have a moveable bar. I don't consider "tray status" a notification, that needs to be more prominent and make separate, in my opinion.

Oh and also you fill memory, you fill cpu, you fill network, why not hard drive? maybe a fill icon to show approx usage for I/O..something like that.

Maybe the custom icons can help with this, and I like the green, but maybe add more colors or choose our own.

This is a GREAT start, I have to say I love binary fortress, this is my 3rd product.
Sep 19, 2016  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback! I've put these items on our feature request list. If we're able to implement them in a future version, we'll be sure to let you know :)
Sep 19, 2016  • #22
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