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TrayStatus Download

TrayStatus shows you the status of keyboard keys like Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Alt, Ctrl, and more, right in your system tray. Every TrayStatus download comes with a free 30 day Pro trial license key! Download TrayStatus using the 'Download Installer Now' button below to begin your 30 day trial.

System Requirements:

  • Windows 11 and 10 (1607 and higher) (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2022, 2019, and 2016 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • The Microsoft .NET 7 desktop runtime is required and will be installed automatically if needed
  • The Microsoft WebView2 runtime is required and will be installed automatically if needed

TrayStatus uses the same installer for both the Free and the Pro version. These downloads include a free 30-day trial license. If you would like to use the Free version of TrayStatus, just remove the license key from the License Key tab in the Settings window. You can find out more about the free version here.

Download Installer (recommended)

  • Latest Version: v4.8 (7.36 MB)
  • Release Date: September 5, 2023

Check Out TrayStatus Pro
Check Out TrayStatus Pro

Check out TrayStatus Pro and use features like Triggers, CPU Usage, Memory Usage, Custom Status Indicators based on Performance Counters, One-Click Update Installations, and much more!

Download without Installer

  • Latest Version: v4.8 (8.22 MB)
    Release Date: September 5, 2023
  • This no-installer version is ONLY for people interested in testing TrayStatus
  • TrayStatus should be installed using the 'Download Installer Now' button above to work 100% correctly
  • Download ZIP Now

Download MSI Installer

If you are experiencing issues, there is currently a TrayStatus beta version available for download.
This beta version fixes a number of known issues, and may help you!

TrayStatus Old Versions
TrayStatus Old Versions

Looking for a version of TrayStatus that is compatible with a version of Windows that the latest TrayStatus isn't compatible with? This includes Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, and older versions of Windows 10. Check out the old version download page for more information.

TrayStatus on WinGet
TrayStatus on WinGet

TrayStatus is available to install from Microsoft's new command line tool, WinGet. You can find out more about WinGet from Microsoft's website.

TrayStatus Download Hashes
TrayStatus Download Hashes

These SHA1 hashes can be used to check your file download consistency, to make sure nothing was corrupted or modified during your download. You can use HashTools to easily check your file hashes. If you would like more information about file hashes, you can read more on the HashTools website.
  • Installer SHA1: 9A8794D6F850BFBDA2A66CA538CB2F573ED99A5E
  • Without Installer (ZIP) SHA1: 2284A3C261156CCDF956651F762143B3057AEDCA
  • MSI Installer SHA1: CC11BF465BDDC94DE2D91AB0F1321899778DFC12